Love for Others

Living Out the Golden Rule


The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would like to be treated. Period. End of story…it’s a very simple philosophy and yet has such power & meaning, don’t you think? It’s basically saying that if you wouldn’t want to be bullied — don’t bully people. If you wouldn’t want to be laughed at — guess what? Don’t laugh at people. The Golden Rule is such a simple rule with such LARGE impacts on people’s lives, but yet so many people do NOT treat each other with the same respect as they would want to have. WHY? Why is this? Why don’t we treat each other with love and kindness? Why don’t we lift people up instead of tearing people down? Why don’t we love all humans, even if they hold different beliefs than us?

One of my favorite quotes says, “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” We are all so blessed to be able to have free will to carry on about our lives. We have the choice to be who we want to be and how we want to act. So with this free will, why wouldn’t you be kind? Why do people choose to be hateful instead of loving?

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

I beg you my friends, let’s be kind. Let’s be kind to all no matter if they look different than you, if they act different than you, if they believe in different beliefs than you…let’s be kind. Because guess what? Here comes the cool part…deep down, we are all the same. We’re all human beings trying to figure out life. And every human yearns for that kindness & love that you can offer them. So why don’t we spread some love & kindness magic to every person we encounter? Here is my desperate plea — especially with all of these hard times in our world today — let’s do something kind for one another. Let’s live out the Golden Rule and let’s do this thing, called life, together.


Viola Roc

PS – Always remember: you are strong, you are beautiful, & you are smart.

Be kind. We are all the same.

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