Love for Onself

Find Joy in the Small Things

Dear Friend, 

Did you know that no one is happy 100% of the time?! There will always be frustrations, annoyances, sadness, etc in life…that is a for sure thing. However, a great secret to combat these nuisances is to find joy in the little things throughout your day. I know this may sound like a very simple, and perhaps juvenile, thing to state, but it is actually a scientific, proven way to live a happy life. 

Like I said, there is not one person in this world who lives a problem-free life. Life will always throw us curveballs and disappointment…although these things make us stronger & better…but I digress…so the secret to handling these factors in life is to appreciate and to fully experience the joys in life. When you are truly present, in the moment, experiencing these little, simple joys, you become to feel happy on a regular basis. Because let’s face it, when happiness outshines the annoyances in life, you will be joyful. Happy always conquers bad, aren’t I right!? 

When you are truly present, in the moment, experiencing these little, simple joys, you become to feel happy on a regular basis.

So how does one find joy in simple, small things, you may ask…that is the most important part of the happiness formula! To find joy in simple, small things, you have to first identify which “small things” make you happy. Once you identify these items, you then need to seek out those things and/or make time for them. And finally, once you’ve prioritized these happy things in your life, you must fully be present to experience them and to recognize how happy that item/thing/activity makes you feel. 

For example, say you love watching a sunset…that’s what brings you joy. So you have identified a thing/activity that is a tangible, cost-free, reliable activity that brings you joy. That is a great first step! So then, you have to prioritize making time to watch the sunset…whether that’s every night or once a week, whichever is a feasible goal with your schedule. You then must prioritize watching the sunset, and while you’re watching…take it all in! Put your phone down, soak in that sunlight, appreciate the beauty of that sky, and be fully present. Experiencing a joyful moment like watching a sunset will combat any negativity that you have endured throughout your day and will create a state of happiness. 

There are many simple, small things throughout our days that can bring you joy…a hug from a family member, a joke from a kid, a delicious home-cooked meal, a phone conversation with a good friend…the list goes on and on. The simple, little pleasures in life are yours for the taking, you just have to be aware of them. Go get ’em, because you deserve to be happy, my friend. 


Viola Roc

PS – Always remember: you are strong, you are beautiful, & you are smart.

Find Joy in the Small Things

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