Love for Others

Sprinkle Kindness


Humans: we are all the same. We all want to be loved and accepted, and yet so many people don’t feel like they are loved and accepted. A lot of people don’t feel like they are worthy. Some people often compare themselves to other people and ask themselves, “well, why am I not that happy?” Or “why can’t I look like that?” Or “why can’t I have those things?” Does this sound familiar?

In a world filled with social media, it is very easy to compare yourself to others. It basically is impossible not to, being that people’s lives…celebrities, influencers, friends, and family…are publicly displayed at our finger tips. It becomes very easy to look at these images of people’s lives and compare your life to theirs.

But here’s the thing you guys…those are just images. They are just a flash in time that is representing someone’s entire life. So not only are these images, quite literally a snapshot in time, they also act like a mask of that person’s life. And by a mask, I mean, that these images can paint a picture of how that person wants their lives to be portrayed, all the while, masking what is really going on in their lives.

Someone can sound confident, but have feelings of self doubt. Someone can appear to be healthy, but really feel unhealthy. Someone can be beautiful, but feel ugly.

And this goes on even outside of the social media world. I think everyone is guilty of doing this, whether its at the office or a night out on the town…we tend to act like everything is ok, when it’s not. We as human beings tend to mask our feelings, suck it up, put on a happy face, and carry on about our days — appearing like we have it all together, when in reality…we don’t. Someone can appear to be happy, but be miserable inside. Someone can sound confident, but have feelings of self doubt. Someone can appear to be healthy, but really feel unhealthy. Someone can be beautiful, but feel ugly.

Let’s be kind to everyone — we are all fighting our own battles.

So here’s what I’m getting at…because we don’t know what is truly going on in people’s lives…let’s be kind to everyone — we are all fighting our own battles. Kindness has the power to overcome darkness in people’s lives. Kindness is a profound tool that can be used to help everyone out…be it strangers or your friends. And the best part about kindness, is that it is contagious! No more masks are needed when kindness is sprinkled all around 💜


Viola Roc

PS – Always remember: you are strong, you are beautiful, & you are smart.

Sprinkle kindness around. We are all fighting our own battles.

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