Love for Onself, Love for Others

What Would Elle Woods Do?


Legally Blonde. We all LOVE that movie, right? I mean nothing is better than Elle Woods conquering law school, overcoming her ex-boyfriend, and solving the case at hand, all with her trusted side-kick Bruiser by her side (#teambruiser)

 Elle Woods is unapologetically herself. She speaks in a way that is herself — despite being around lawyers speaking that legal jargon. She dresses in a way that is herself — despite standing out in the crowd. (The more pink, the better, right!?) She exudes positivity and has a strong moral ground — despite being surrounded by naysayers & non-supporters (She solved the case without unveiling her friend’s alibi, just as she promised! #girlcode)  She is a best friend and lifts others up — despite being surrounded by negativity in a world that says otherwise. (I mean “Bend & Snap!”…that will uplift anybody, right!?)

As silly as it sounds, Elle Woods is an AMAZING role model. We all need to channel our inner Elle Woods as we take on our days…

I remember back in the day when I used to think I didn’t fit in with my classmates. I remember being in class and watching people easily go up to the front of class, voice their opinion in an eloquent way, and then sit back down…like it was NOTHING. I was always amazed at how easily and naturally those things came to my peers, because for me, it was NOT like that at all. For me to be up in front of a crowd and speak, took EVERYTHING out of me. I have a very soft voice (a lot of people say I sound like a little kid) and have been called “ditzy” MANY times. Therefore, I always felt like my colleagues spoke “smarter” than me and was able to compose themselves so much better than I could. Now that I’m older and MUCH wiser 😉 I know that those thoughts were only in my head and were TOTALLY false. Why do we feed our minds these self-deprecating thoughts? And why do we compare ourselves to others?! There has to be some sort of human psychology around that…

As silly as it sounds, Elle Woods is an AMAZING role model. We all need to channel our inner Elle Woods as we take on our days…

Looking back at those times, I was at the top of my class. I worked hard and got good grades. I had actual proof that I was smart and that I could do anything that I worked hard for. So why did I think I wasn’t as smart or spoke as well as my peers? Or why was I not confident and proud of my quote on quote “ditzyness” and kid-like voice? The answer to these questions is because I was comparing myself to other people. WHY DO WE DO THIS!?

I wasn’t grateful for my one-of-a-kind voice or my light-hearted demeanor. I wasn’t ok with the fact that I was very different from every single one of my peers. I wasn’t confident in my uniqueness. I wasn’t channeling my inner Elle Woods.

In Legally Blonde, the movie portrayed Elle Woods almost like in a naive, ignorant way in that she was oblivious to her surroundings and did her own thing…which of course made for a very entertaining movie. However, there is A LOT of truth to that type of mindset. There’s something to being able to block out what other people may think of you and to be your true self. We are all different and unique.  We need to be proud of who we are and what we stand for. We need to deflect ALL negativity away from us. We need to be a best friend and uplift others. Let’s all be our own Elle Woods: a bright pink, stand out from the crowd, positive, uplifting, confident, unique person.

Let’s all be our own Elle Woods: a bright pink, stand out from the crowd, positive, uplifting, confident, unique person.

That is my wish for you…not to be naive in any way, but to be able to block out all negativity and worldly factors, and to focus on your dreams, your passions, and your best self.  Be a best friend and uplift others. Never be ashamed of who you are, what your dreams are, and what you believe in. And if there is ever a time when you question things, just ask yourself…what would Elle Woods do?


Viola Roc

PS – Always remember: you are strong, you are beautiful, & you are smart.

Channel you inner Elle Woods & conquer your day!

(2) Comments

  1. Jody says:

    Wow— I have real tears… I too have felt self conscious and I’ll just say it— unloved. You hit a cord for me— I felt undeserving and had been ridiculed… it all led to poor choices and a very negative self image which caused my eating disorder… thank God for the love of my life saving me from myself… too bad it took 20 years to figure that out… Viola Roc,, thanks for letting me share.

    1. Thanks so much for reading, Jody ? And for taking the time to comment and share your story. It means so much! And I’m so happy you now feel loved, because you are! Always remember, you are strong, beautiful, & smart. xoxo

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