Love for Onself

Keep on Dreaming


Remember when you were a little kid and you thought you could do anything? Remember when you used to dream about the future and all of its possibilities? Remember when you thought that nothing was impossible and that nothing could stop you?

And then adulthood happened….

It seems like as we age, day by day, we lose that sense of hope, excitement, and dream mentality. We begin to view the world differently and begin to make excuses as to why we can’t shoot for that dream anymore. Or worst case scenario, we completely lose sight of our dreams and completely forget about them.

When I was a little kid and someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say, “I want to be a veterinarian, an ice skater, a fashion designer, and a model agency owner.” That was QUITEEEE the list, wouldn’t you say?! And I mean clearly, the odds of me becoming all of those things in my adult life were very slim. However, the point is, is that I actually believed I could do all of those things. I did not see any limitations. I did not see any obstacles. Those were the professions I wanted to be, and I was not going to let anyone stop me!

There is a valuable lesson we can learn from our younger selves — that tenacity, that courage, that hopefulness, that willingness to succeed, that “I can do anything” mentality.

Being an adult now, I actually wouldn’t want to be all of those professions. However, I do think that there is a valuable lesson we can learn from our younger selves — that tenacity, that courage, that hopefulness, that willingness to succeed, that “I can do anything” mentality. We must not forget about these qualities of our younger selves…whether that applies to your career, your personal life,  or your hobbies…it’s so very important to not lose sight of our inner kid.

We all can definitely learn from the perspective of children. Kids aren’t afraid of anything. Kids forget about their pain and move on to the next better thing. Kids laugh at everything and have fun at life. Let’s all be kids, shall we!? This is a reminder to reflect on who you were as a child. What were your dreams? How did you view the world? What did you want out of life?

Channel your inner kid. Be the person that your younger self would look up to. Don’t give up on your dreams, and believe that you can achieve them.  And remember…nothing can stop you!


viola roc

PS – Always remember: you are strong, you are beautiful, & you are smart.

Believe You Can Achieve Your Dreams

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